Initially published in the Alliston Herald on November 21, 2008
The following is the most recent installment of "The Good, The Bad and The Funny."
The Good: A couple of years ago the Alliston District Chamber of Commerce was nearly broke and at risk of being evicted from its' rental premises. Around that time Michael Keith was elected president of the chamber and, with the assistance of an able board, helped correct the ship.
Last week the chamber voted to amend its bylaws to permit a president to serve more than two terms. Given the absence of anyone willing to step into Keith's shoes, it was a wise and prudent move.
The Bad: The New Tecumseth ward structure is 18 years old and in desperate need of an overhaul. The structure ignores the enormous growth that has taken place in recent years with the result that there is a significant disparity in the average number of eligible voters that each councilor represents. Further, the practice of having the residents of Alliston (Ward 1) and Tottenham (Ward 5) elect two councilors at large is a silly and obsolete practice that ought to be trashed. At the very least new boundaries should be drawn for these wards to eliminate the practice of "one resident, two votes".
The Funny: It would appear as though Simcoe-Grey Conservative president Andy Beaudoin has taken it upon himself to serve as the principal attack dog and protector of all that is right and good with the local Conservative Party and its beloved MP. In recent weeks Beaudoin has circulated letters to editors throughout Simcoe-Grey.
The problem with Beaudoin assuming this role? He is about as fearsome as a 17-year-old blind Chihuahua.
The difficulty for individuals who adopt a fiercely partisan approach is that it becomes hard for the public to take them seriously. A person, regardless of political stripe, who is unwilling to acknowledge the errors/mistakes of his/her party or MP/MPP, will eventually lose credibility. As a wise counsel once told me, "always acknowledge the obvious."
The Funny - Part II: Town Square II is almost complete. There was, however, a teeny weeny problem. Apparently someone forgot to install the custom-made staircase between the first and second floors before the walls and doors were constructed.
When the staircase arrived it did not fit though the door! Welders had a crack at it but it still wouldn't go and the staircase suffered the indignity of lying outside for several days before the problem was remedied.
The Bad - Part II: The deep thinkers at Simcoe-County really don't want the public to know how many tax dollars have and are being wasted by the completely unnecessary move of CONTACT and Ontario Works from their former Wellington Street premises to temporary accommodation at the old liquor store before yet another pending move to Town Square II.
Back on Sept. 3 I made a Freedom of Information request for copies of certain documents in the possession of the county related to the cost of these moves.
Last week I received a letter from County of Simcoe Warden Tony Guergis in response to my request. He wants to charge $560 to have six County employees undertake a "search" of their files (is he concerned the tooth fairy may have absconded with them overnight?). He estimates the search will take in excess of 60 hours.
For a moment I was tempted, with tongue planted firmly in cheek, to send Guergis a letter to the effect that I had a better idea: I would offer 10 to one odds that my pet monkey "Sparky" would be able to locate the documents in 10 minutes or less... One indeed wonders why (or how) the county continues to exist in its present form.